Ayurveda Insomnia Treatment
Insomnia Treatment in Dehradun - Having a better sleep during the night is very important for humans because it can re-energize your body and mind for the next day activities. Sleep is a natural way to give rest to your body and mind, but if you are suffering from sleeplessness or insomnia, then you can find it difficult to get proper sleep during the night which can lead to many health problems. Insomnia can increase the risk of depression and anxiety and it also causes abnormal weight gain. So if you are unable to get proper sleep during the night, then you should need to consult our centre to get ayurvedic insomnia treatment in Dehradun.
There are so many reasons that cause sleeplessness for patients such as mental tension, over thinking, overeating, sleep empty stomach, smoking, feeling of resentment, excess consumption of tea and coffee, and due to excessive workload. With insomnia, you can experience lack of concentration, difficulty in falling asleep, confused state of mind, and poor memory. Insomnia can also make patient aggressive, and it may even damage your nervous system.
In Ayurvedic science, there is a useful treatment available for insomnia which can deliver patient essential outcomes and promote better sleep at night. The procedure is known as panchkarma therapy, and with this treatment, patients can get back their sleep and also get rid of depression and anxiety. During insomnia treatment in Dehradun at Arogyam ayurvedic clinic, you will get panchkarma therapies for insomnia including nasya, shirobasti, Shiro Pichu, Shirodhara, pada abhyanga, and sarvanga abhyanga. These all therapies are highly useful in the treatment of insomnia (Anidra) and also make your body healthy and relaxed. In Arogyam centre, patient will even get an opportunity to learn exercises and yoga which can also help you to get sound sleep during the night and make your nervous system healthy and calm.
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